
SPN - Smart Cities

SPN (Smart Pedestrian Net): Co-funded by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and JPI Urban Europe’s fourth call, ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures (ENSUF) – supported by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program. Cyprus network coordinator is Prof. George Papageorgiou, EUC Research Center


 SPN: Smart Pedestrian Net Smart cities are walkable– a model to plan a pedestrian network and a pedestrian navigation system


Cities are facing growing mobility challenges due to the strong dependence on cars. Motorised traffic is recognisably a major source of air and noise pollution in cities. In EU, urban mobility accounts for 40% of CO2 emissions and up to 70% of other pollutants. The sustainable mobility concept is focused on shifting this pattern towards non-motorised or more sustainable forms of mobility. Walking is a soft and active mode strictly related to sustainable mobility as it reduces traffic congestion and pollution and has positive impacts on health. SPN is a project focused on improving walkability in cities. SPN intends to provide a model to help European cities to improve walkability as one of the important dimensions of smart, sustainable and inclusive development.


  • Assess the urban conditions provided to pedestrians considering a wide range of criteria
  • Define planning policies to improve walkability and street connectivity by involving stakeholders
  • Develop a pedestrian navigation system for defining routes


  • A GIS multi-criteria and space syntax analysis to assess the urban conditions and street connectivity
  • Multi-actor participatory approach with stakeholders, surveys and workshops
  • Real-time data in the navigation system and website to publish findings

Expected results and impacts

  • Increased understanding of the walkability
  • Providing planning policies and management tools to help decision makers in improving walkability
  • Developing a mobile navigation system to help pedestrian in selecting routes according to their preferences


University of Minho – www.uminho.pt

University of Bologna – www.unibo.it

EUC Research Center (European University Cyprus) – www.euc.ac.cy

Association for Sustainable Innovative Development in Economics, Environment and Society – asidees.org

Involved cities/project examples

Cidade do Porto, Portugal – www.cm-porto.pt

Comune di Bologna – www.comune.bologna.it

SPN: Smart Pedestrian Net

JPI Urban Europe, ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures Call


Duration: March 2017– August 2019

Budget: 985.000,00 EUR