Dr Gregoris Demetriou is a Scientific Collaborator at the Systema Research Centre,
School of Business Administration, European University Cyprus (EUC). His research
interests are in the areas of Training and Development, Learning Capability,
Organisational Learning and Learning Organisations.
Gregoris retired from AnAD/HRDA (Human Resource Development Authority of
Cyprus) as Deputy Director of Training Services. He served for 4 years on the Board
of Directors of the Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning
Programmes which is the National Authority for the Erasmus+ Programme. He is an
active committee member of various professional bodies such as the Cyprus Human
Resource Management Association (CyHRMA), the Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (ICPAC/ΣΕΛΚ) and the Cyprus Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA Cyprus).
Gregoris is a certified vocational trainer by AnAD/HRDA and taught various courses
at EUC Business School in the Marketing & Management Department, such as
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Management, Marketing Research, Branding and
Marketing, Management of Events and Hotel Operations.
His studies include Business Administration (PhD Organisational Learning Capability-
EUC), European Policy Law and Management (MSc Robert Gordon University-
Aberdeen UK), Electronics Engineering (BSc(Hons) University of Westminster-
London), Marketing (Chartered Institute of Marketing-UK), Accounting (FCCA Fellow
of Chartered Association of Certified Accountants-UK) and Auditing (CIA Certified
Internal Auditor-USA).